2024世新大學英語暨傳播應用學系 第三屆文學、語言與傳播跨校研討會
📋2024世新大學英語暨傳播應用學系 第三屆文學、語言與傳播跨校研討會 2024 SHU-English Intercollegiate Conference of Literature, Linguistics, Media and Communication 議程 (下載) 活動時間:2024年5月4日(六) 活動地點:世新大學(臺北市文山區木柵路一段17巷1號) 主辦單位:世新大學英語暨傳播應用學系 研討會目的: 世新大學英語暨傳播應用跨校研討會,為一校際會議,旨在促進英語文學和語言學的理論和實踐,著眼於相關的媒體和傳播趨勢與學術探討。本系舉辦此跨校研討會的外延宗旨,則是期待創建跨學科學者之間討論、互動和合作的平台,裨益即時整合當前的英語研究、傳播研究和多媒體實踐,以期在嶄新的傳媒視角中,梳理新的學術可能性。 研討會議主題及內容(包含但不限於此): 主題一:新聞語言或其他媒體語言與文化研究 主題二:媒體平台中的文學改編 主題三:社會文化背景下的比較英語研究 主題四:語言保護的社會文化議題 主題五:新媒體時代的文學及呈現 主題六:網紅語言教學頻道 vs. 傳統語言教學 主題七:文學及語言傳媒的理論辯證 論文投稿須知: 其他說明注意事項: 聯絡資訊: Intercollegiate Conference of English Literary and Linguistic Media and Communication (ICELLMC) Organizer: Shih-Hsin University Host institution: Department of English and Applied Communication, Conference Date: May 4, 2024 Conference Venue: She-Wo Building S1204 Conference Room The Intercollegiate Conference of English Literary and Linguistic Media and Communication is a peer-reviewed intercollegiate conference dedicated to theory and practice of English literature and linguistics in light of new trends of media and communication. It aims to integrate English studies, communication studies, and multimedia practice of the time through creating a platform for discussion, interaction, and collaboration between and among interdisciplinary scholars, in hope of teasing out academic possibilities in cutting-edge perspectives. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to: Proposals for papers in English or Mandarin Chinese are accepted. Proposals for panels are also welcome. Please email proposals as MS Word (.docx) attachments before April 7, 2023. Proposals should be accompanied by an abstract (300 words) and a separate cover sheet including the presenter’s education and employment history, current institutional affiliation, brief list of representative works, and email address. Please avoid reference to personal information in your abstract in order to facilitate our blind review. Abstracts and full manuscripts should follow APA or MLA style as set out in their most recent editions. Please send your email to:dteng@mail.shu.edu.tw Ms. Sophia Chang (張瑋倫) Email: dteng@mail.shu.edu.tw The conference committee will send out acceptance emails on April 15, 2024. Accepted presenters must submit a full manuscript (5000-8000words) by April 22, 2024. For on-line announcement of accepted proposals, please see the following website: http://dteng.shu.edu.tw Important dates Deadline for proposals: April 5, 2024 (Friday) Acceptance emails sent: April 15, 2024 (Monday) Deadline for full manuscript: April 22, 2024 (Monday) Conference date: May 4, 2024 (Saturday)