專任教師陳建龍 Alvin Dahn


  • 姓名:陳建龍 Alvin Dahn
  • 職稱:副教授
  • 電話:83562
  • 研究室:S701
  • 電子信箱:alvin@mail.shu.edu.tw























2015(Sept.)-preset: English Department, Shih-Hsin University/ 世新大學英語系助理教授

2014 (Sept.)-2015(June): English Department (Oral Training), National Taiwan University /台大外文系講師 (口語訓練課程)

2012 (Sept.)-present: English Department (English & American Lit.), National Chengchi University /政大英語系講師 (英國暨美國文學)

2012 (Summer): International Academic Competence Workshop: Academic Writing, NTNU/台大與台師大合辦「跨國學術競爭力菁英班」講師(學術寫作)

2011 (Sept.)-2012 (June) : English Department (English Composition), National Taiwan Normal University /台師大講師(英文寫作)

2011(Sept.)- 2015(June): Department of Applied Foreign Languages (English & American Lit. I; Introduction to Literature), Tatung University/大同大學講師(英美文學,文學導讀,商用英語談判)

2010(Sept.)-2015(June): English Instructor of Shih Hsin University (Selected Readings of English Lit.; Reading Strategy)/世新大學講師(閱讀策略,英美名著,英美文學,美國短篇小說,英美詩選)

2010(Feb.)-2015(June): English Instructor of Taipei Medical University (Selected Readings of English Lit; English Reading)/台北醫學大學講師(英文會話,英文閱讀,英美文學)

2009-2011: Instructor of the English Training Center at NTNU (Basic Conversation; Intermediate Writing)/台師大語言中心(初級會話,英文作文)

2005-2009: Assistant to Professor Su Tsi-Chung on National Science Council projects/台師大蘇子中老師國科會專案助理

1997-2011: Instructor of the English Department, Christian Chung-Deh College (English Lit.; Intro to LIt.; Etymology; Mythology; Biblical Lit.)/崇德基督書院講師(文學課程暨語言訓練)

1996-1998: English Conversation Teacher at China Youth Service Association/救國團英語會話講師

1997-1998: Intern Editor at Government Information Office, R.O.C. Yearbook compilation (Sections: culture and religion)/新聞局資料編譯處二科見習編譯

1994-1995: Interpreter Lieutenant of the A.H.O.H. (Attack Helicopters and Observation Helicopters) Purchase Project with Michael Douglas Texas/ /陸軍軍售案翻譯官


2015: MOT Subsidy Program for Starting Assistant Professorship /科技部補助大專校院延攬特殊優秀人才措施獎勵

2013: (Autumn) Excellence in Teaching, Taipei Medical University (English Literature; Conversation)/台北醫學大學教學優良獎(英美文學,英文會話)

2013: (Spring) Excellence in Teaching, Taipei Medical University (English Literature; English Reading, English Conversation)/台北醫學大學教學優良獎(英美文學,英文閱讀,英文會話)

2012: (Autumn) Excellence in Teaching, Taipei Medical University (English Literature; English Reading) /台北醫學大學教學優良獎(英美文學,英文閱讀)

2012: (Spring) Excellence in Teaching, Taipei Medical University (English Literature; English Reading) /台北醫學大學教學優良獎(英美文學,英文閱讀)

2011: (Autumn) Excellence in Teaching, Taipei Medical University /台北醫學大學教學優良獎

2011: (Spring) Excellence in Teaching, Taipei Medical University/台北醫學大學教學優良獎

2010: (Autumn) Excellence in Teaching, Taipei Medical University/台北醫學大學教學優良獎

2010: (Spring) Excellence in Teaching, Taipei Medical University/台北醫學大學教學優良獎

2008: Literary Award of the Department of English at NTNU (師大英語系文學獎學金第一名)

2008: Yang Ching-mai Scholarship (楊景邁教授學術研究獎學金)

2006: Scholarship of the Department of English at NTNU (師大英語系優秀學生獎學金)

1999: Sinological Research Subsidy, Leiden University (萊頓大學漢學獎助金)


博士學位論文名稱:Food Poetics in Modern Poetry: Stevens, Williams, and Lee


The Gift Theory of the Biblical Salomé (文學)

The Faint Flash of a Fickle Fate: Rediscovering Dowson Through Translation of His Verses (翻譯)


  1. 2014: Food Poetics in Modern Poetry: Stevens, Williams, and Lee (Ph.D. dissertation)
  2. 2009: Master thesis: The Gift Theory of the Biblical Salomé
  3. 2000: Master thesis: The Faint Flash of a Fickle Fate: Rediscovering Dowson Through Translation of His Verses


  1. 2011: Book chapter: “A Constraining Mirror: the Subjective Camera in Philippe Harel’s La Femme Deféndue” published in (In)Sight: Visual Culture and Aesthetics (禁忌的觀看–侷限的觀看:以拉岡式的第一人稱運鏡談《禁忌的女人》in 《洞見:視覺文化與美學》) (馮品佳、趙順良主編.《洞見:視覺文化與美學》. 台北:書林,2011. 02.)



  1. 2021: “‘Something Wrong with Fat, Happy, Green People?’ —Plague Discourse in The Green Leopard Plague.” EALA. (under review)
  2. 2021: “Marriage as a Humoristic Device in Measure for Measure.” Ex-Position. (under review)
  3. 2021: “To Eat, or Not to Eat: Food Discourse in Sense and Sensibility.” (不吃不理性:從瑪麗安的情傷,看《理性與感性》的拒食、進食,以及餵食) (to be published in The Wenshan Review 文山評論 Vol.14 No.2 Jun. 2021) THCI (PRINT ISSN: 2077-1282 )
  4. 2020: “Alvin Dahn and Lloyd Haft: Genuine Pretending: On the Philosophy of the Zhuangzi, Hans-Georg Moeller and Paul J. D ’ Ambrosio” (review). The Philosophy of Humor Yearbook. Vol. 1: Issue 1. First published: 01 Sep 2020. 289-293. A&HCI (ONLINE ISSN: 2698-718-X; PRINT ISSN: 2698-7171)
  5. 2019: “Plato and Deadpool Walk into a Bar: Superiority in Plato’s View on Comics and Incongruity in a Superhero’s Foul Mouth.” (〈賤的幽默: 從柏拉圖的笑到死侍的嘴〉), published in Taiwan Humanities Society Bulletin, Issue 13, 2019.06.08. (《台灣人文學社通訊》第13期. 2019年春季號)
  6. 2019: “When Words Speak to to the Point: Photographic Narrative of Val Williams” (〈看圖說話第一人-法爾.威廉斯: 文字敘事與視覺敘事重疊的瞬間〉), published in Taiwan Humanities Society Bulletin, Issue 12, 2018.12.25. (《台灣人文學社通訊》第12期. 2018年秋季號)
  7. 2018: “Souvenir Food and Gourmet Cuisine: Choice of Food and Construct of Identity” (〈名產(媒)與美食(介):飲食作為身分認同的技術之一:名產(媒)〉), published in CLAROC Number 26. September 2018. 19-22. (《中華民國比較文學學會第26期電子報》)
  8. 2018: “Philosophical Fetishism: Steampunk” (〈哲學式戀物:蒸氣龐克〉), published in EALA, Issue 3, December 31, 2017. 26-28. (《英美文學第三期電子報》2018)
  9. 2017: “Obliquity and Velocity” (〈曲勝於直,瞬勝於實〉), published in EALA Issue 2, July 20, 2017. 14-15. (《英美文學第二期電子報》2017)
  10. 2016: “The Deadpool Subversion vs the Superhero Conventions , ” (〈超級不英雄?〈從《死侍》看圖文小說的英雄傳統〉), published in CLAROC Number 16. March 2016. n.p. (《中華民國比較文學學會第16期電子報》)
  11. 2015: “From Mediality/Materiality to Photographic Medi-Materiality, ” (〈從媒介與物質之分到攝影的媒物共性〉), published in CLAROC Number 15. December 2015. n.p. (《中華民國比較文學學會第15期電子報》)
  12. 2015: “Life Is a Bitter Aspic: The Translation of Food into Poetics in Wallace Stevens’ Poems,” (〈「人生是一道苦苦的冷盤」:史蒂文生的現代詩與食物詩學的演繹〉) published in Cross-cultural Studies Volume 2, Number 1. March 2015. 25-57. (《文化越界》第二卷 第一期) THCI (ISSN: 2071-4971)
  13. 2014: Food Poetics in Modern Poetry: Stevens, Williams, and Lee (外文所博論:現代詩中的食物詩學:史蒂文斯、威廉斯、李立揚)
  14. 2013: Trans. “A Glimpse at the Development of the Environmental Documentary in Taiwan” (by Tsung-lung Tsai, Li-ping Yu, and Chin-yuan Ke) published in Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies Volume 39, Number 1, March 2013. 161-176. A&HCI (ISSN: 1729-689-7)
  15. 2012: “The Gift in Between: The Bataillean Gift that Defies Dichotomy and its Functions in the Biblical Salomé” (〈交界的禮物〉) published in Cross-cultural Studies Volume 1, Number 7. March 2012. 175-199. (《文化越界》第一卷 第七期) THCI (ISSN: 2071-4971)
  16. 2011: Book chapter: “A Constraining Mirror: the Subjective Camera in Philippe Harel’s La Femme Deféndue” published in (In)Sight: Visual Culture and Aesthetics (禁忌的觀看–侷限的觀看:以拉岡式的第一人稱運鏡談《禁忌的女人》in 《洞見:視覺文化與美學》) (馮品佳、趙順良主編.《洞見:視覺文化與美學》. 台北:書林,2011. 02. 198-215.) (ISBN: 978-957-445-405-1)
  17. 2010: “Days Past Uncounted and Uncalendared: Gothic Traces in The Road” in 2010 International Graduate Student Conference on Literary and Cultural Studies (第三屆文學與文化研究國際研究生研討會論文集, 2010)
  18. 2009: Master thesis: The Gift Theory of the Biblical Salomé (英語所碩論:聖經莎樂美的禮物經濟)
  19. 2009: “Home, Sweet Home: The Housebound Phenomenon as a Modern Resistance” in 2009 International Graduate Student Conference on Literary and Cultural Studies (第二屆文學與文化研究國際研究生研討會論文集, 2009)
  20. 2007: “Something Queer in the Rear: A Rereading of The Shipman’s Tale” published in Review of English and American Literature (REAL), Vol.11 (translated into Chinese and published as: 英美文學評論-第十一期: 慾/「益」結金蘭:〈水手的故事〉中起源於男色的資金流動) THCI CORE (ISSN: 1024-285-6)
  21. 2000: Master thesis: The Faint Flash of a Fickle Fate: Rediscovering Dowson Through Translation of His Verses (翻譯所碩論:顛沛中,微光閃爍:道森詩作中譯)


  1. 2021: “Food Porn in Chocolat: The Non-Material in Material Culture” (《巧克力》的食色文學(Food Porn):物質文化中的非物質), presented at the 29th EALA Conference 第29屆英美文學學術研討會 on October 30, 2021.
  2. 2021: “‘Nobody Eat! Let Me Take a Selfie.’–The Food Selfie as a Graphic Narrative” presented at the 2021 International Conference on Cultural Shock and Social Responsibilities in the New Media Era (2021年新媒體時代下的文化衝擊與社會責任國際研討會) on June 18, 2021.
  3. 2021: ” ‘Something Wrong with Fat, Happy, Green People?’ —Plague Discourse in The Green Leopard Plague” (「發綠、發福、快樂-有什麼不對?」:《綠豹瘟疫》與後人類世的瘟疫論述), presented at the 43th CLAROC Conference (第43屆全國比較文學會議) on June 5, 2021.
  4. 2020: “Revisiting Waking Life: Dream as a State of Philosophical Questioning” (〈再訪《夢醒人生》: 夢作為哲學質疑的狀態〉), presented at the 28th EALA Conference (第28屆英美文學學術研討會) on October 31, 2020.
  5. 2020: “Love, Death + Robots: Techno Animism and Kokoro” (《愛、死亡、機械人》:科技泛靈與機械之心〉), presented at the 42th CLAROC Conference (第42屆全國比較文學會議) on May 29-30, 2020.
  6. 2019: “Techne = Art : Photographic Narrative of Val Williams” (〈技術即藝術:威廉斯影像敘事與媒介論述〉), presented at the 2019 Taiwan Humanities Society Conference (2019年台灣人文學社年會) on November 23-24, 2019.
  7. 2019: “Midnight Snack and Daytime Cafe: Food, Drink, and Healing Narrative in Comics” (〈一夜小酌、二代咖啡:飲食、圖像、療癒論述〉), presented at the 41th CLAROC Conference (第41屆全國比較文學會議) on June 22, 2019.
  8. 2018: “Picturesque Discourse & Discursive Picture: Ekphrastic Narratives from “Musée des Beaux Arts” to Shinya Shokudō (〈看圖說話→說話看圖:從〈美術館〉到《深夜食堂》的圖像敘事〉), to be presented at the 26th EALA Conference (第26屆英美文學學術研討會) on October 27, 2018.
  9. 2018: “The Post-Digital Steampunk: To Type, to Write, and the Typewriting in Uncommon Type” (〈後數位的蒸氣龐克:《非常書寫》的打字機書寫〉), presented at the 40th CLAROC Conference (第40屆全國比較文學會議) on May 26, 2018.
  10. 2017: “The Stationed Sheriff and the Wandering Killer: Domopolitcs in No Country for Old Men” (〈不動的警長,流動的殺手:《險路》中一方鎮守與四處為家的歸宿政治〉), presented at the 25th EALA Conference (第25屆英美文學學術研討會) on October 24, 2017.
  11. 2017: “You Are What You Eat: The Rituality of Fisher’s Culinary Literature ” (〈人食合一:費雪飲食文學的儀式性〉), presented at the 39th CLAROC Conference (第39屆全國比較文學會議) on May 20, 2017.
  12. 2016: “Tattooed Bodies & Literary Corpus: Tattoo Narrative in Blindspot” (〈紋身.文身:《盲點》的紋身敘事〉), presented at the 38th CLAROC Conference (第38屆全國比較文學會議) on May 21, 2016.
  13. 2015: “Man Proposes, Object Disposes: Artifacts and Material Agency in Warehouse 13” (〈體的失能,物的可能:《十三號倉庫》的文物與物質施為能力〉), accepted for the 37th CLAROC Conference (第37屆全國比較文學會議). (May 23, 2015)
  14. 2014: “The Intended Food, the Extended Mind: The Memory Prodcution of Food in Modern Poetry,” presented at Envisioning “Things”: An International Conference on Material Culture at NSYSU (「以物觀物:臺灣、東亞與世界的互文脈絡」國際研討會) on Oct. 17-18, 2014.
  15. 2014: “Life Is a Bitter Aspic: The Translation of Food into Poetics in Wallace Stevens’ Poems,” presented at the Fifth Translation and Trans-cultural Conference at N.C.C.U. (第五屆翻譯與跨文化國際學術研討會) on Nov. 15, 2014.
  16. 2014: “Distancing and Channeling: Food Agency and the Memory Machine, ” accepted for 7th International Deleuze Studies Conference: Models, Machines and Memories. Department of Interior Design, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey. (July 14-16, 2014)
  17. 2014: “The Deleuzean Plums: Food Affect in W. C. Williams’ Poetics, ” accepted for Conference on Deleuze’s Cultural Encounters With the New Humanities. Department of English and the Technoscience Culture and Research Centre, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, Hong Kong. (June 9-12, 2014)
  18. 2014:”Shinya Shokudō, a Deleuzean Shokudō: The Nodal Point of Time and Space and the Memory in Food, ” accepted for The 2nd International Deleuze Studies in Asia Conference. Toyonaka Campus, Osaka University, Japan. (June 6-8, 2014)
  19. 2013: “Food Poetics and the Asian-American Memory: Li-Young Lee”(“食餘.時餘:李立揚(Li-Young Lee)的食物詩學與亞美記憶”), presented at the 36th CLAROC Conference (第36屆全國比較文學會議) on May 17, 2014.
  20. 2012: “Pain Is Human”: the Suffering Discourse of Modern Poetry in Wallace Stevens’ “Esthetique du Mal,” presented at “Health and Illness in Culture” International Conference on December 21, 2012.
  21. 2012: “The Readable Body and the Retrievable God'” (“神的檔案,人的讀取”), presented at the 35th CLAROC Conference (第35屆全國比較文學會議) on May 5, 2012.
  22. 2011: “The Gift in Between,” presented at the Third Translation and Trans-cultural Conference at N.C.C.U. (第三屆翻譯與跨文化國際學術研討會) on Nov. 12, 2011.
  23. 2010: “The Gift of Love” (translated into Chinese as “愛的禮物”), presented at the 33rd CLAROC Conference (第33屆全國比較文學會議) on May 22nd, 2010.
  24. 2010: “Days Past Uncounted and Uncalendared: Gothic Traces in The Road,” presented at the Third NCTU Graduate Conference on April 30th, 2010.
  25. 2009: “Home, Sweet Home: The Housebound Phenomenon as a Modern Resistance,” presented at the Second NCTU Graduate Conference on June 5th, 2009.
  26. 2009: assigned respondent at the Fourth Conference of the NTU Shakespeare Forum (第四屆莎士比亞論壇)
  27. 2000: “A Talk on the Poetic Translation of Ernest Christopher Dowson”, a seminar talk delivered at the Graduate Institute of Interpretation and Translation


  1. 2021 (Aug.)-2023 (Jul.): Food Humor: Food Imagery and the Displacement Theory (《飲食幽默: 飲食意象與錯置幽默》) MOST 110-2410-H-128 -012 -MY2
  2. 2019 (Aug.)-2020 (Jul.): “In Its Place There Is a Language of Images”: John Berger’s Ways of Seeing, Mechanic Reproduction, and the Narrative of Digital Reproduction (《「圖像語言取代藝術威權」: 約翰・伯杰機械複製的觀看與數位複製的敘事》) P10814
  3. 2018 (Aug.)-2019 (Jul.): The Aegis and the Migrant Mother: Ekphrastic Strategies of Photographic Narrative (《盾牌上的梅杜莎與《移工媽媽》:影像敘事的圖說策略》) MOST 107-2410-H-128-008
  4. 2017 (Aug.)-2018 (Jul.): Food Narratology: Food Discourse as Ritual, Political, Traumatic-Therapeutic, and Local-Colored Narratives in Contemporary Literature (《飲食敘事學: 當代文學中的儀式性、政治、癒創、及鄉情之飲食敘事》) P10617
  5. 2016 (Aug.)-2017 (Jul.): Food Rhetoric: Food Writing and Food Narrative of M. F. K. Fisher (《飲食修辭學: 費雪的飲食書寫與飲食敘事》) MOST 105-2410-H-128-027