專任教師劉彩秀 Tsai-hsiu Liu
- 姓名:劉彩秀 Tsai-hsiu Liu
- 職稱:副教授
- 電話:83566
- 研究室:S707
- 電子信箱:thliu@mail.shu.edu.tw
劉彩秀副教授為執行科技部(今國家科學及技術委員會)「阿美語支內部差異之社會語言學暨地理語言學調查」專題研究計畫(編號:MOST 111-2410-H-128 -014 -MY2)於113年12月1日至114年5月31日,派訪員至花蓮縣豐濱鄉家戶進行問卷調查,請惠予提供協助。
Department of Linguistics, University of Hawai,i at Manoa
2007 「中華民國留學生博士論文獎學金」,蔣經國國際學術交流基金會,美國。
2004-2007 「夏威夷大學亞洲太平洋區獎學金」,夏威夷大學,美國。
2006 「夏威夷大學研究生協會獎學金」,夏威夷大學,美國。
2003 「全國創意教學獎特優獎」,中華創意發展協會,台北。
1998 「李方桂徐櫻獎學金」,中央研究院語言學研究所籌備處,台北。
1996–1997 「中華扶輪社獎學金」,中華扶輪社,台北。
- Liu, Dorinda Tsai-hsiu(劉彩秀). 2011. Complementation in three Formosan languages—Amis, Mayrinax Atayal and Tsou.《三個台灣南島語言之補語結構—阿美語、汶水泰雅語與鄒語》Honolulu: University of Hawai’i at Manoa PhD dissertation(夏威夷大學博士論文).
- Liu, Dorinda Tsai-hsiu(劉彩秀). 1999. Cleft Constructions in Amis《阿美語分裂句結構》. Taipei: National Taiwan University MA thesis(國立台灣大學碩士論文).
- Liu, Dorinda Tsai-hsiu. (accepted.) Chapter 18: Basay. In Paul Jen-kuei Li, Elizabeth Zeitoun and Rik De Busser eds., Handbook on Formosan Languages. Leiden, Amsterdam: Brill.
- Li, Paul Jen-Kuei, Ying-Hwa Chang, Ji-Ping Lin, and Liu, Dorinda Tsai-Hsiu. 2021. Language contact and language shift in Taiwan. In Cheng-Pin Yang Ed., The Origins of the Austronesians — 2019 Forum for Language Revitalization, pp. 198– Taipei: Council of Indigenous Peoples.
- Liu, Dorinda Tsai-hsiu. 2014. Neutral and imperfective forms in Kanakanavu. In I Wayan Arka and N. L. K. Mas Indrawati eds., Argument Realisations and Related Constructions in Austronesian languages: Papers from the Twelfth International Conference of Austronesian Linguistics, Volume 2, 175–195. Canberra, Australia: Asia-Pacific Linguistics.
- Liu, Dorinda Tsai-hsiu. 2008. Is Amis an ergative or accusative language? In Elizabeth Lavolette, Diana Leong, and Castle Sinicrope eds., Selected Papers from the Twelfth College-wide Conference for Students in Languages, Linguistics, and Literature, 13–25. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i.
- Liu, Dorinda Tsai-Hsiu. 2020. The Effects of Socioeconomic Status and Cram Schooling on L2 Writing: Evidence from Taiwanese EFL Learners. TESL-EJ 24(1): 1–23 (http://www.tesl-ej.org/wordpress/issues/volume24/ej93/ej93a6/)
- Liu, Dorinda Tsai-Hsiu, Ying-Hwa Chang , Paul Jen-Kuei Li, Ji-Ping Lin, 2015. Language shift of Taiwan’s indigenous peoples: A case study of Kankanavu and Saaroa. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 36(7): 729–749. (SSCI) (https://doi.org/10.1080/01434632.2015.1022179)
- Liu, Dorinda Tsai-hsiu. 2007. Basay nominal constructions. Working Papers in Linguistics, Department of Linguistics, University of Hawaii, v 38 (5): 1–26.
- Liu, Dorinda Tsai-hsiu. 1999. Noun phrase structures in Amis. National Taiwan University Working Papers in Linguistics, vol. 2.
- Liu, Dorinda Tsai-Hsiu, Ying-Hwa Chang, and Paul Jen-Kuei Li. 2024. Unraveling the impact of sociocultural factors on indigenous heritage language proficiency in Taiwan: The crucial mediating role of heritage language input. Paper presented at the 25th National Conference on Linguistics (NCL 2024), National Tsing Hwa University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, October 19.
- Chu, David Te-Wei, Mia Jhih-Yu Guo, Chen-Chen Hung, and Dorinda Tsai-Hsiu Liu. 2024. An investigation on the influences of learning motivations and cram schooling on English speaking anxiety in Taiwanese college students. Paper presented at 2024 SHU-English Intercollegiate Conference of Literature, Linguistics, Media and Communication, Shih Hsin University, Taipei, Taiwan, May 4.
- Liu, Dorinda Tsai-Hsiu, and Sonya Hsin-Hui Tseng. 2023. The Impact of emoticons on perlocutionary force of online written requests in relation to social factors: Taiwan as an example. Paper presented at the 21st Asia TEFL International Conference with KICE and Korea TESOL, Daejeon, South Korea, August 17–20.
- Liu, Dorinda Tsai-Hsiu, Tommy Yu-Hsiang Fan, and Lea Nien-Tzu Yu. 2022. The impact of learning motivations on the relationship between Hakka language use and the use of Hakka media in Taiwan. Paper presented at the 2022 Inter-university Conference on English and Communication Applications, Shih Hsin University, Taipei, Taiwan, May 28.
- 劉彩秀,2022。〈在客語媒體新場域之使用評估臺灣客語活力〉。2022年第十四屆台灣語言及其教學暨台灣學「蛻變的聲音」國際學術研討,國立成功大學主辦,8月27–28日。
- Liu, Dorinda Tsai-Hsiu, Tommy Yu-Hsiang Fan, and Lea Nien-Tzu Yu. 2022. The impact of learning motivations on the relationship between Hakka language use and the use of Hakka media in Taiwan. Paper presented at the 2022 Inter-university Conference on English and Communication Applications, Shih Hsin University, Taipei, Taiwan, May 28.
- Liu, Dorinda Tsai-Hsiu, Walter Yong-Han Chen, and Ivy Chih-Ying Hsieh. 2021. The Mediating Role of Ethnic Identity between Heritage Language Use and Heritage Language Proficiency in the Indigenous Peoples of Taiwan. Paper presented at the 38th International Conference on English Teaching and Learning, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, July 23–24.
- Liu, Dorinda Tsai-Hsiu. 2019. The Effects of Socioeconomic Status and Cram Schooling on L2 Writing: Evidence from Taiwanese EFL Learners. Paper presented at the 17th Asia TEFL International Conference and The 6th FLLT International Conference, Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand, June 27–29.
- Liu, Dorinda Tsai-Hsiu, Paul Jen-kuei Li, and Ying-Hwa Chang. 2019. Multiple-Factor Approach to Language Proficiencies of the Indigenous Peoples in Taiwan. Paper presented at the XIX Congresso Internazionale dell’Associazione Italiana di Linguistica Applicata, Cagliari, Italy, February 21–
- 劉彩秀,2018。〈臺灣原住民族語保存調查研究之方法論探討〉。2018年第十二屆台灣語言及其教學國際學術研討會,國立中山大學主辦,10月26–27日。
- Liu, Dorinda Tsai-Hsiu and Ching-Chun Huang. 2018. The effect of speech convergence on the US presidential inaugural address. Paper presented at the 16th Asia TEFL International Conference and the 6th Hong Kong Association for Applied Linguistics Conference and the 1st Macau Association for Applied Linguistics Conference, University of Macau, June 27–29
- Wang, I-Hsuan and Dorinda Tsai-Hsiu Liu. 2018. Socioeconomic inequality affecting foreign language performances: A case study of Taiwan’s college students. Paper presented at the 16th Asia TEFL International Conference and the 6th Hong Kong Association for Applied Linguistics Conference and the 1st Macau Association for Applied Linguistics Conference, University of Macau, June 27–29.
- 劉彩秀,2018。〈台灣需要英語還是台灣原住民語言作為官方語言?〉。國立臺東大學 70 週年校慶系列活動—異質的多彩「語言、文學與創作」學術研討會,國立臺東大學主辦,3月30日。
- 劉彩秀,2017。〈二十一世紀初台灣原住民族的族語使用調查及其成果〉。第16次語言、地理、歷史跨領域研究工作坊,國立台中教育大學台灣語文學系主辦,4月16日
- Liu, Dorinda Tsai-Hsiu, Paul Jen-kuei Li, Ying-Hwa Chang, and Ji-Ping Lin. 2016. Correlations between Changing Socio-geographical Dynamics and the Language Shift of Taiwan’s Indigenous Peoples. Paper presented at the Fourth Meeting of the New Ways of Analyzing Variation in Asia-Pacific (NWAV-AP4) Conference, Chiayi, Taiwan, April 22–24.
- Chang, Ying-Hwa, Dorinda Tsai-Hsiu Liu, Paul Jen-kuei Li, and Ji-Ping Lin. 2015. Language choice of Taiwan’s indigenous minority groups. Paper presented at the 2015 International Conference on Applied Linguistics: Linguistics Applied Across Borders, Chiayi, Taiwan, May 30–31.
- Chang, Ying-Hwa, Ji-Ping Lin, Dorinda Tsai-Hsiu Liu, and Paul Jen-kuei Li. 2013. The Impact of Migration on the Language Attrition of Taiwan’s Indigenous Peoples. Paper presented at the workshop on “Language, Culture, and Language-Based Knowledge in Large Dataset Collection, London, United Kingdom, December 5–7, 2013.
- Liu, Dorinda Tsai-Hsiu. 2013. Historical Development of Complementizers in Mayrinax Atayal. Paper presented in the 21st International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Oslo, Norway, August 5–9, 2012.
- Liu, Dorinda Tsai-Hsiu. 2012. Language Contact and Lexical Borrowing in Trobiawan. Paper presented in the Conference on Language Contact in the Asia and the Pacific, Macau, China, September 6–7, 2012.
- Liu, Dorinda Tsai-Hsiu. 2012. The tense and aspect system in Kanakanavu. Paper presented in the Twelfth International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics, Bali, Indonesia, July 2–6, 2012.
- Liu, Dorinda Tsai-Hsiu and Valerie Guerin. 2012. The grammatical structures of verb serialization in Tsou. Paper presented in the 19th Annual meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association, Academia Sinica, Taipei, June 26–30, 2012.
- Liu, Dorinda Tsai-Hsiu. 2010. Clause linkers of complementation with a full complement clause in Mayrinax Atayal. Paper presented in the Fourteenth College-wide Conference for Students in Languages, Linguistics, and Literature, University of Hawai’i, Honolulu, April 17, 2010.
- Liu, Dorinda Tsai-Hsiu. 2008. Is Amis an ergative or accusative language? Paper presented in the Twelfth College-wide Conference for Students in Languages, Linguistics, and Literature, University of Hawai’i, Honolulu, April 12, 2008
- Liu, Dorinda Tsai-Hsiu. 2005. Codas in Amis reduplication. Paper presented in the Tenth International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan, Philippines, January 17–20, 2006.
- Liu, Dorinda Tsai-Hsiu. 2003. Scream 4 [in Chinese]. Paper presented in the GreaTeach2003 Teaching Plans of Chinese Creativity Development Association, National Taipei Teachers’ College, Taipei.
- Liu, Dorinda Tsai-Hsiu. 1997. Syllable structure and constraints in Central Amis. Paper presented in the Eighth International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, December 28–30, 1997.
- 劉彩秀,2021。《台灣原住民族群認同與族語保存之關聯性調查成果報告》。國科會研究計畫成果報告(MOST 107-2410-H-128-019-MY2)。
- 張學謙、蘇凰蘭、劉彩秀,20220。《運用聯合國教科文組織(UNESCO)語言活力指標評估臺灣客語活力成果報告》,行政院客家委員會委託研究之專題研究成果報告。
- 程俊源、方耀乾、洪惟仁、劉彩秀,2017。《全國語言基礎資料研究計畫成果報告書》。文化部人文及出版司委託之專題研究成果報告。
- 李壬癸、章英華、林季平、劉彩秀,2015。《族語保存現況調查研究計畫成果報告》。國科會研究計畫成果報告(NSC 101-2410-H-001- 094-MY3)。
- 「阿美-撒奇萊雅語支歷時研究:詞彙比較之探索」,國家科學及技術委員會專題研究計畫,113年8月–115年07月,擔任研究計劃主持人。
- 「阿美語支內部差異之社會語言學暨地理語言學調查」,行政院科技部專題研究計畫,111年8月–114年07月,擔任研究計劃主持人。
- 「運用聯合國教科文組織(UNESCO)語言活力指標評估臺灣客語活力」,行政院客家委員會委託研究,國立臺東大學張學謙教授主持,109年1月–109年9月,擔任協同研究員。
- 「台灣原住民族群認同與族語保存之關聯性調查」,行政院科技部計劃,107年8月–109年07月,擔任研究計劃主持人。
- 「傳播大數據」,行政院科技部計劃,世新大學何宗武教授主持,106年1月–106年12月,擔任研究群研究員之一。
- 「全國語言基礎資料研究計畫」,文化部委託研究,國立台中教育大學程俊源助理教授主持,106年1月–106年6月,擔任副研究員。
- 「建構和運用都市原住民生活發展基礎資料庫」,中央研究院與行政院原住民族委員會委託研究,中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心林季平副研究員主持,102年1月–104年12月,擔任協同研究人員。
- 「族語保存現況調查研究」,中央研究院語言學研究所李壬癸院士主持,101年8月~104年8月,擔任協同研究人員。
- 「東部台灣南島語言群的內部構擬」,中央研究院博士後研究計劃,中央研究院語言學研究所博士後研究員劉彩秀主持,102年2月~103年7月,擔任計畫主持人。
- 「三種已消失台灣南島語言的文獻資料研究」,行政院科技部計劃,中央研究院語言學研究所李壬癸院士主持,101年2月~102年1月,擔任科技部博士後協同研究人員。