2018 第六屆台大英文辯論工作坊報名 ( register the 6th NTU Workshop)
基本資訊General Information:
時間Time: 2018/7/9 – 2018/7/14
地點Venue: 國立台灣大學 National Taiwan University
報名費用Registration fee(不含宿 No accommodation):
早鳥優惠Early-bird fee(03/09~4/09): NTD 5500 / person
一般費用Standard fee(04/10~5/09): NTD 5900 / person
團報費Group registration fee(03/09~4/09): NTD 5300/ person
另收保證金 Deposit NTD 1000(確認全勤後將於比賽後退回 )(refund if you don’t miss any classes)
制度 (Format):英國議會制 (British Parliamentary)
報名流程:(the procedure of register)
(you will receive the affirmed email in seven days containing information of the remittance)
↓ ( if more than 96 people sign up for the workshop , you will be put in waiting line . Please remit after you receive our email)
↓(Please remit in seven days after you receive our email . If you don’t remit on time , you will lose the chance . You have to sign up for it again if you want to attend)
(After you fill out the form , we will send you an email in one to two days , and your register will be effective)
If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us through the three following methods:
1. 傳訊息給我們的粉絲專頁
1. Send a message to our facebook page
2. 聯絡工作坊總召
2. Contact the Convener of the workshop
黃士桓(Kevin) 0952-833-068
方于文(Miny) 0911-001-118
3. 來信給台大英文辯論社工作坊
3. Send us an email
(例如:4/9 填表,4/13才收到候補成功信,4/20前匯款依然享有早鳥價)
(Only those who remit on time and register and receive our email during the time of early bird discount can have early bird discount.)
退費機制: ( the refund mechanism)
1. 5/14 23:59 前寄信,退費全額的70%、及保證金 (Send an email to us before 5/14 23:59 , you can get 70% refund and the margin)
2. 5/31 23:59 前寄信,退費全額的50%、及保證金 (Send an email to us before 5/31 23:59 , you can get 50% refund and the margin)
3. 六月之後不退費報名費,由於此時許多成本皆已投入,僅退保證金
( You won’t get any refund after June , because many costs will be input then . You can only get the margin)